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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉 参加讨论

    关键词:金融危机 农民工 城市化
    How Migrant Workers Can Further Contribute to the Urbanization:Potentials of China’s Growth in Post-crisis Era
    Abstract: The labor market adjustment that migrant workers have conducted during the course of financial crisis and its result further convinces the ongoing Lewis turning point,which has not only changed the characteristics of the labor market but also challenged the sustainability of the economic growth in China. One of the new characteristics is that agriculture is no longer a pool of surplus labor force-that is,the process of rural-to-urban migration is irreversible. One of the challenges is that the reduction of rural surplus labor force and slower trend of migration imply the shrinkage of demographic dividend,and therefore a newsource is in great need for further economic growth. Such a source can be found and utilized in deepening a new pattern of urbanization that focuses on providing citizenship to migrant workers and their families. Through international comparison,this paper also discusses how such a new pattern of urbanization can serve as a new driver of economic growth,predicts the speed of urbanization,and clarifies the relationship between land expansion and population growth in urbanization. The paper gives great emphasis on creating an equalized access to public services for urban newcomers.

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