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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉; 都… 参加讨论

    摘要:   "文化大革命"的影响既表现为十年的经济增长停滞,更表现在对物质和人力资本的损害。本文推算了"文化大革命"通过缩短学制、停办大学等造成的人力资本存量变化,及其对后来人力资本积累的影响。我们估算,"文化大革命"使可能的受教育年限减少了14.3%。由于"文化大革命"使国有经济的物质资本与人力资本都遭到破坏,从而使其经济增长处于相对较低的稳态水平。与之相比,非国有经济所依靠的劳动力是比较年轻的一代,同时其物质资本与人力资本之比较低,使其处于更为有利的经济稳态。因此,如果没有改革以后的非国有经济的迅速发展,中国经济将长期处于较低的增长状态。 更多还原
    关键词:  财富破坏效应; 人力资本; 经济稳态
    Destructive Effects of Cultural Revolution on Physical and Human Capital
    Abstract:  The Cultural Revolution not only resulted in t he economic stagnation in the ten years, but also sev erely damaged China. s physical and human capital. This paper estimates the loss of human capital stock caused by shor tening length o f schooling , closing down universities and other visible abnormalities in China. s education system. Our estimation is that the Cultural Revolution shortened years of schooling by at least 14. 3 percent compar ing to what ot herwise would have been if there had not been this political movement. Due to the destruction of both physical and human capital, the state secto r fell into a low steady state of growt h. I n contrast, by employing younger gener atio n of laborers and having lower ratio of physical to human capital, the nonstate sector enjoyed a more advantageous steady state after the movement was over.

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