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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉;都… 参加讨论

    摘要: 西部开发战略要想取得成效, 需要选择恰当的投资领域, 使得西部地区获得经济增长速度趋同的机会。本文从经验上考察中国地区经济增长中存在着俱乐部趋同以及条件趋同的现象, 意味着在中西部地区存在着一系列不利于向东部发达地区趋同的因素, 如人力资本禀赋稀缺、市场扭曲和开放程度不足。实施西部开发战略的含义在于创造条件使地区经济增长形成趋同的趋势, 而投资的重点应该选择那些能够改进西部地区
    关键词: 地区增长 趋同 西部开发 人力资本
    Convergence and divergence of Regional Economic Growth in China
    Abstract:  To choose appropriate sectors to invest in is a key issue of the ongoing national strategy of going west ,because a success of this strategy presumably depends upon w hether there is a trend among grow thrates of east , central and west to converge. This paper empirically reveals that there has appeared a trend of both club convergence and conditional convergence. The determents that impede western regions to converge with the east include: ( 1) lack of human capital, ( 2) market distortion, and ( 3) low degree of openness. accelerating the growth of the west implies that all the efforts should be devoted to build up a series of conditions to help a trend of regional convergence.

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