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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张展新;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 近期的城市外来人口社会保障缺失研究把持有非本地城市户口的外来市民纳入观察对象,城乡分割因素的解释范围缩小到外来市民与外来农民工这两类外来人口参与社会保险差异上来。为在这一方向上深化研究,本文首先考察城市劳动制度转型过程,揭示农民工的劳动合同制度缺位问题;在此基础上分析户籍身份、劳动合同订立与社会保险获取之间的关系,提出研究假设;选取抽样调查数据,做相应的实证分析;最后形成结论并提出政策启示。
    关键词: 外来人口; 城乡分割; 劳动合同; 社会保障
    On Differences of Labor Contracts and Access to Social Protection by Two Types of Migrant Labor
    Abstract: Recent literature on insufficient access of urban floating population to social security began to include urban migrants in observation and the extent that rural-urban divide accounts for has been restricted to the difference between urban migrants and rural migrants in obtaining social insurances. To develop this approach, this paper examines the transition process of the urban labor system and addesses the issue of rural migants?|? exclution from the labor contracting institution. It then infers the relationships among household registration status, signing on employment, and obtaining social insurances, and formulates research hypothese. Sampling data is selected and the hypothese are being teseted. Conclusions and suggestions are presented at the end.
    Keywords: Migrant Population; Rural-urban Divide; Labor Contract; Social Security

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