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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑秉文 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章对改革开放30年来流动人口社会保障的状况与存在的问题进行了总结,分析了流动人口对全国养老保险制度收入的贡献率,发达省份与欠发达省份基本养老保险财务可持续性的影响,对人口流出地与流入地基金流的影响,指出在目前社保政策下,流动人口所在的打工地社保制度将获益,流出地将受损,流动人口的养老权益受到极大侵害;人口流入地的获益是以流出地的地方性财政补贴支出为代价的;由于户籍制度的制约等原因,流动人口只能回到流出地养老,流出地承担的这个养老债务最终必将由中央财政来承担。为防止养老保险制度"碎片化"倾向,以适应流动人口参保,建议建立全国统一的养老保险制度。 更多还原
    关键词: 流动人口; 人口迁移; 养老保险; 统账结合; 名义账户
    Abstract: This paper summarizes basic profiles and primary problems of social security system for floating population during the past 30 years of reform and openness,and quantitatively studies the influence of floating population on the revenue of national pension insurance fund,on the financial sustainability of both developed and less developed provinces,and on the pension fund stream of both emigrant and immigrant provinces.The current social security policy impairs emigrant provinces’ pension system and benefits immigrant provinces’ pension system,and ultimately damages floating population’s rights and interests.The benefit of immigrant provinces is the fiscal loss of emigrant provinces.When floating population gets aged and has to return to the emigrant provinces because of the hukou system,the central government has to pay the implicit pension debt instead of the local fiscal transfer.To avoid the fragmentation of the basic pension system and to meet the accessibility of the floating population,this paper suggests that a unified and integrated pension system should be the best-option for China.

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