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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 侯慧丽 参加讨论

    摘要: 农村流动人口群体是城乡二元社会结构中出现的一个特殊群体。进入到城市中的农村流动人口,收入成为影响其医疗消费支出的最主要因素,人口因素和社会经济因素与其对城市医疗服务使用和消费支出的相关关系都不显著,年龄和家庭的特殊结构以及广泛地缺乏社会医疗保障制度的保护是造成这种结果的主要原因。同时也反映出农村流动人口在医疗资源分配与社会权利享有上的不平等状态。 更多还原
    关键词: 农村流动人口; 医疗服务使用; 医疗消费


Analysis on Utilization of City Medical Services and Medical Consumption by Floating Population in Countryside

    Abstract: The rural floating population is a special group in the dual social structure between urban and rural areas in China.With their entry into the city,the income of the rural floating population became the most important factor affecting their medical expenditure.The reason why there is no significant relation between the population and socio-economic factors and the utilization as well as expenditure of urban medical service is that the special structure of age and family and the serious shortage of the protection of societal medical insurance system.At the same time,this phenomenon reflects the inequality of the rural floating population on sharing medical resources and social rights.
    Keywords: the rural floating population; utilization of medical services; medical consumption

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