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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑春荣 参加讨论

    Analysis on the Fairness of China Urban Employees’Basic Pension among Different Income Groups
    Abstract:Fairness is one of the primary measuring standards to assess if a country's pension insurance system is successful. After calculating China's basic old-age pension replacement rate, we believe that the pension insurance system of income redistribution function is weak, so that some of the pensioners who may fall into absolute poverty in old age, and many elderly pensioners are also likely to fall into old age relative poverty. It also leads those low-income, flexible workers and vulnerable groups of the elderly a high possibility of falling into poverty in old age, so that, to some extent, these have dampened the enthusiasm of their paying pension contributions. We suggest that, in order to promote the affordability among the vulnerable groups, the government shall consider giving employment insurance rate relief to flexible workers and introducing a number of preferential policies for pension insurance to protect the vulnerable groups. Meanwhile, to tackle the poverty among the oldest old, senior citizens welfare subsidies policy shall be instituted.

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