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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张士斌;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 中日劳动力市场的诸多相似是中日社会养老保障制度特征及变革颇具共性的重要来源,两者的差异又是构建中国特色社会养老保障制度的重要依据。我国可以借鉴日本经验与教训,建立城乡居民分别享有基础养老金,不同职业群体分别拥有补充养老金的社会养老保障制度。同时,依据社会互助与公平原则设定城乡基础养老金标准,并合理调节社会养老保障财政支出结构,加快养老金全国统筹,最终建成覆盖城乡的多元社会养老保障制度。 更多还原
    关键词: 日本; 社会养老保障; 劳动力市场; 基础养老金; 二元结构
    Abstract: The similarities in Chinese and Japanese labor markets are the sources of common features in the social security systems of the two countries;on the other hand,the differences make Chinese pension system special.The Japanese experiences and lessons imply that China should allow dual basic pension systems for urban and rural residents,and make supplementary social security arrangements for different occupational groups.The pension standards should follow the doctrine of mutual help and fairness.By adjusting the expenditure structure and facilitating the national pension arrangement,the goal is to establish a diversified social security system covering Chinese urban and rural areas.
    Keywords: Japan; Social Security; Labor Market; Basic Pension; Dual Structure

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