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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王德文 张… 参加讨论

    Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Rural Migration and Trainings in Poor Areas and Policy Countermeasures
    Abstract: The global financial crisis has produced significantly impacts on rural migration and non-agricultural employment in poverty-stricken areas. According to our field surveys, most of earlier returned migrants have already migrated into cities and developed areas, but they are facing the issues of employment instability and wage-cutting, which will increase the risks of rural households slipping into poverty and difficulties for them to escape from poverty because non-agricultural earnings are one of the important sources for rural households to increase income in poor areas. With industrial restructuring and upgrading in coastal areas, labor transfer and trainings in poor areas are facing new challenges and issues. Therefore, it is urgent for governments at various levels to provide equal employment opportunities for rural migrants, increase financial input for trainings, integrate fragmented training resources, improve training methods and employment information services so as to strengthen the employability of rural migrants and realize a smooth labor transfer in poverty-stricken areas.
    Keywords: Global Financial Crisis, Rural Migration, Training, Poverty-Stricken Areas

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