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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张浩淼 参加讨论

    A Literature Review on Assistance, Employment and Welfare Dependence from an International View
    Zhang Haomiao
    (School of Public Administration, Sichuan University)
    Abstract: Discussion about welfare dependence and its negative influence on employment has become a popular topic since 1980s in western countries.Some conventional wisdom contends that assistance plays a limited role in adjusting the gap between the rich and the poor, and it results in welfare dependence which does harm to employment.Under its influence, it has appeared worries about “raising idler” and discussions on welfare dependence by Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System in China recently.On the aspects of theory and practice, whether assistance is bound to lead to welfare dependency? Whether employment is able to avoid welfare dependence and whether there is an issue of “raising idler” by Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System in China? Around the above issues, after collecting and generalizing existing theoretical and empirical studies from an international view, such points should be discerned: the relationship among assistance, employment and welfare dependence is rather complicated.The common understanding of “assistance leads to dependence and employment avoids dependence” is not always right. Besides, theoretical studies on “raising idler” by Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System in China are insufficient and the conclusions are different.Related empirical studies are rare and existed conclusions don't support the viewpoint that assistance results in welfare dependence.
    Keywords: social assistance, employment, welfare dependence, minimum living standard guarantee system
    JEL Classification: D60, I30, I38

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