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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《财贸经济》2013年第10期108-117,共10页 洪江涛[1… 参加讨论

    On the Third-party Rating Website's Influence on Brand Image of Catering Enterprises and Customer Behavior——A Study on www. dianping, com
    This paper chose www. dianping, corn as its research object and studied the effects of different dimensions of the third party rating on catering enterprise brand image and personal consumption behavior in consumer's mind. The empirical results showed that the third party rating had an effect on the enterprise brand image of the consumers, and finally influenced consumers' purchase decision and propagation behavior. Based on the conclusion of the research,the significance in theory and practice was drawn. Then this paper provided some valuable suggestions and corresponding methods of online review for catering enterprises, and also provided some enlightenment on network marketing, especially on Micro Blog, Micro Letter and Check-in by Mobile Phone,in order to better adapt to the development of network era.
    关 键 词:网络环境 第三方点评 餐饮企业 品牌形象 消费者行为
    Network Environment, the Third-party Rating, Catering Enterprises, Brand Image, Consumer Behavior
    分 类 号:F251
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