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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《政治经济学评论》2013年4期 刘灿 韩文… 参加讨论

    【英文标题】Review on Researches of Decline of Profit Rate: Development of Contemporary Western Marxism Economics
    The classical Marxist economics redeems that organic composition of capital and the rate of surplus value will be attributed as the main factors of profit rate decline. In addition to these two factors, contemporary Western neo-Marxist economics also takes into account the real wage rate, labor productivity, productive labor and unproductive labor ratio changes, the social system, the accumulation of conflict and population statistical factors. Their empirical research on decline of profit rate uses a variety of methods, drawing completely different conclusions: profitability could increase, or decrease, or be uncertain. The theoretical and empirical research provides innovative ideas and methods for China's Marxist economic theories.
    【关 键 词】利润率/剩余价值率/资本有机构成/非生产性劳动profitability/rate of surplus value/organic composition of capital/non-productive labor

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