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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《财经研究》2014年第3期104-113,共10页 何一鸣 罗… 参加讨论

    Cliometric Research on the Change in Agricultural Regulation Structure in China from 1952 to 2005
    With the theoretical instruments of "resource attributes inducing information costs" and "public domain creating rent dissipation", this paper combines the empirical methods in Cliometrics and gives a new explanation of the historic process of the change in agricultural regulation structure from 1952 to 2005 in China. It arrives at the conclusion that the implementation of agricultural regulation depends on the calculation result between reve- nues and costs. And the empirical results show that after the deregulation of agricultural re- sidual claim right in 1978, the state performance increases by nearly 55 percent and the effi- ciency losses in agriculture drop by about 70 percent. In addition, through a comparison be- tween simulation data obtained by anti-history assumption method and evidence data from the real world, it concludes that both the empirical data of agricultural deregulation from the perspective of state micro behavior performance and agricultural macro economic perform- ance are beyond the simulation data under the assumption of the continuous maintenance of agricultural regulation structure.
    关 键 词:产权管制 结构变迁 国家绩效 农业增长 新经济史学
    regulation of property rights structure change state performance agri-cultural growth new economic history
    分 类 号:F129
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