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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《政治经济学评论》2013年01期 贾根良 杨… 参加讨论

    【英文标题】A New Understanding of the Productive Role of Capital: A Commentary to the Economic Development Theory of the Second-generation American School
    The second-generation scholars of the 19th century American School of the political economy developed a system about late-developing countries' economic independence and development through a new understanding of the productive role of capital to guide America's successful industrialization. The doctrine emphasizes that the power of the national economic development stems from the accumulation of capital and the growth of labor productivity, while the industrialized countries' advantages of international trade comes from the productivity of the factors of production other than the relative endowments, and the protectionist policies contribute to the formation of domestic markets which coordinate the development of inter-class and inter-industry interests.This paper sorts out and analyzes the core content of this theory and points out that it has a major reference for China's industrialization and economic development.
    【关 键 词】第二代美国学派/资本的生产性作用/工农业发展战略the Second-generation America school/Productive Role of Capital/Strategies of Industrial and Agricultural Development


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