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http://www.newdu.com 2018/4/2 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所 佚名 参加讨论

    Working Paper No. 15.001
    February 16, 2015
    孙靓莹 赵忠秀
    Abstract:Since the World War II, Asia-pacific region has been the strategic cornerstone for the U.S. to contain Communism and counterbalance China. This tendency has been reinforced since the initiation of the U.S.’s Rebalance Towards Asia Strategy. TPP negotiation is a carrier that represents the transformation of U.S. foreign, economic and military policies towards Asia-pacific region. U.S. Congress is an influential political institution in U.S. trade policy review system. This paper analyzes the U.S. Congress’s role in the domestic trade politics and the specific mechanisms how U.S. Congress influence TPP negotiation. Besides, this essay discusses different interest groups that exert influence on the Congressional trade review mechanism. Export data in 2010 is used to show geographically how state export to TPP participating countries evolved in different stages of the negotiation. In fact, lobby behavior of the interest groups is closely related to trade geography and its interaction with the U.S. congress.
    关键词:美国国会 贸易政治 TPP 出口贸易地理
    Keywords: U.S. Congress;Trade Politics; TPP;Export Trade Geography

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