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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期124-134,共11页 杨志强[1… 参加讨论

    Executive Fairness Preference, Private Benefits of Control and Firm Value:Evidence from Industry Benchmark of A-share Listed Companies
    Based on a sample of A-share listed companies in China from 2007 to 2011, this pa- per examines the impact of fairness feelings concerning an industry comparison of private benefits of control on firm value and reveals the function mechanism of executive fairness preference. It comes to the following conclusions: firstly, compared to companies with dispersed ownership or outside block-holders, the absolute amount of private benefits of control and the sensitivity of private benefits of control to firm value are higher in companies with concentrated owner- ship, but the distribution of additional private benefits of control differs widely; the mean of the absolute amount of private benefits of control in state-owned companies is the largest, but the mean of additional private benefits of control is smaller; the mean of the absolute a- mount of private benefits of control in family-controlled companies is the smallest, but the mean of additional private benefits of control is larger; secondly, the incentive direction of the absolute amount of private benefits of control is the opposite of the one of additional pri- vate benefits of control; compared to companies with dispersed ownership or outside block- holders, the absolute amount of private benefits of control significantly reduces firm value, and positive or negative additional private benefits of control can significantly increase or re- duce firm value respectively in companies with concentrated ownership.
    关 键 词:公平性偏好 私人控制权收益 公司价值 行业基准
    fairness preference private benefit of control firm value industry benchmark
    分 类 号:F275
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