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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期135-144,共10页 肖浩 孔爱… 参加讨论

    Can the Increase in Manager Compensation Improve the Information on Stock Prices?
    How to weaken the information advantages of the management to relieve principal-agent problem is a basic topic in corporate finance.This paper provides a solution to this problem through a test of the relationship between manager compensation and the infor- mation on stock prices. It shows that manager compensation in Chinese listed companies is negatively correlated to the information on stock prices, and the clarification of property rights, the increase in managerial shareholding and the rise in overall corporate governance significantly reduce this negative correlation. Furthermore, it also concludes that perquisite consumption of SOE executives is negatively correlated to the information on stock prices. It suggests that listed companies should first perfect governance structure in China to motivate the management to disclose more information through salary compensation.
    关 键 词:管理层薪酬 股价特质性波动 所有权性质 管理层持股 公司治理 在职消费
    manager compensation firm-specific volatility of stock returns nature ofownership managerial shareholding corporate governance perquisite consumption
    分 类 号:F275

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