Is Managerial Overconfidence Good or Bad for Corporate Performance? Evidence from the Perspective of Accounting Conservatism
This paper studies the effect of managerial overconfidence on accounting conservatism and analyzes the moderating effect of accounting conservatism on the relationship between managerial overconfidence and corporate performance and the differences of this moderating effect between profita- ble enterprises and ones suffering losses. It arrives at the following conclusions: firstly, managerial o- verconfidence has significantly negative impact on accounting conservatism;secondly, accounting con- servatism plays a moderating role in the relationship between managerial overconfidence and corporate performance to some extent; in enterprises suffering losses, this moderating role improves corporate performance,while in profitable enterprises it worsens corporate performance.
关 键 词:管理者过度自信 净资产账面市值稳健 累计应计稳健 调节效应
managerial overconfidence net asset book-market conservatism cumulative accruedconservatism moderating effect
分 类 号:F275F230