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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
Neanderthal 愚钝落伍之人(名词,贬义,幽默、非正式用语) (noun, NEGATIVE, HUMOROUS, INFORMAL) Someone who is backward, rather ignorant, and stubbornly slow to accept any new ideas (a reference to the ancient race of extinct, humanoid primates) EXAMPLE: Most employees considered the old boss to be a Neanderthal who had not had a new idea, worn a new suit, or even told a new joke in more than forty years.
大多数员工都觉得公司上了年纪的老板是位愚钝落伍之人,40 多年来,他从未有过新点子、穿过新西服,而且只会讲老掉牙的笑话。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to keep under wraps 1. 保密(非正式用语)

2. 控制(非正式用语)
1. (INFORMAL) To not reveal; to keep something secret

2. (INFORMAL) To prevent something from becoming a problem; to keep under control

EXAMPLE: We want to keep our plans under wraps until the official announcement next month.
1. 在下月正式公布计划之前,我们想一直保密。

EXAMPLE: The central bank has worked hard to keep inflation under wraps by not raising interest rates.
2. 中央银行极力控制通货膨胀,拒不提高利率。

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