单词 | 中文释义 | 英文释义 | 例句 |
fret | 为小事烦恼(动词) | (verb) To worry continually and unnecessarily about minor concerns | EXAMPLE: The nervous young man foolishly used to fret over the color of his tie instead of important things like arriving on time for his job interview. 这个神经紧张的年青人常常没完没了地担心自己领带的颜色,对面试要准时这么重要的事情却不管不顾。 |
短语 | 中文释义 | 英文释义 | 例句 |
to bounce back | (遭受挫折后)很快恢复(非正式用语) | (INFORMAL) To recover from a temporary defeat | EXAMPLE: The local agricultural economy was hurt by the severe storms last spring, but nearly perfect summer weather helped farmers to bounce back. 去年春天猛烈的风暴使当地的农业受损,但农民们在近乎完美的夏季中很快恢复过来了。 |