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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
missionware 促销赠品(名词,非正式) (noun, INFORMAL) Promotional items of little value such as pens, tee-shirts, or keychains stamped with a company's symbol and slogan (NOTE: "mission" in this usage means general marketing objectives) EXAMPLE: The marketing department designed new missionware every year for sales representatives to give their customers as reminders of our company.
soar 飙升(动词) (verb) To rise very high like a bird in flight

EXAMPLE: The high demand for steel has made the value of steel stocks soar recently, doubling their previous prices.

administrivia 工作中的琐碎事务(复数名词,当代俚语) (plural noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) Small, tedious tasks related to administration that are frequently required in one's work (NOTE: humorous blend of "adiminstration' and 'trivia') EXAMPLE: The young sales representatives complained about all the forms, schedules, and weekly reports involved in their job, which they called 'administrivia' with humorous contempt.
喧闹(名词) (noun) A sudden, intense argument often involving many people

EXAMPLE: The company president's decision last week to stop paying employees more money for working more hours caused a great furor, and yesterday half the staff threatened to quit.

hammer 猛击(动词) (verb) To strike down hard, as if using a hammer EXAMPLE: The tiny company believed its innovative new product would hammer the competition and increase the firm's market share significantly.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
how something is shaping up 工作的进展情况(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) How something is developing, growing, or progressing towards completion EXAMPLE: My boss wants to know how my new project is shaping up, so in my meeting with him tomorrow I will tell him how work on the project is going and when it will be finished.
scrambled merchandizing 销售附属商品的策略(零售业术语) (RETAIL BUSINESS TERM) The practice of selling many products that are different from the store's basic product EXAMPLE: The magazine store had a successful scrambled merchandizing strategy of selling snacks, sodas, and cigarettes as well as magazines.
stand out test (包装的)吸引眼球试验(营销用语) (MARKETING) A test of product packaging on a store shelf intended to determine how highly visible the test product is compared with others on the shelf (NOTE: "to stand out" means to be highly visible or to draw attention) EXAMPLE: During the stand out test for our new product's packaging design, we watched the reactions of customers looking at our product as it was displayed next to those of our competitors.
swivel-chair job 办公室闲职 An easy office job with very few real responsibilities (NOTE: a "swivel-chair" is a comfortable executive office chair)

EXAMPLE: The ambitious young man was given a swivel-chair job in his uncle's company, but he left it to find a more challenging position somewhere else.

to turn the tables on someone 彻底改变(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) To completely reverse the direction of a negotiation, agreement, or similar situation EXAMPLE: I didn't like our sales discussion with the stingy old client who always complained about our prices, so I decided to turn the tables on him and ask what money he had available to pay for our services.

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