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  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——值得赞扬的
  • EXAMPLE: After years of struggle, the author published a praiseworthy novel that made her famous.经过数年的艰苦努力,这位作家出版了一部大获好评的小说,令她一举成名。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:23
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——死敌
  • EXAMPLE: The terrible winter snowstorms were the invading armys nemesis, and after seeing thousands of his brave soldiers trapped and dying in the snow, the general called for a retreat.冬天可怕的暴风雪是入侵军队的大敌。在看到他的数以千计的勇敢战士困在雪中死去后,这位将军下令撤退。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:22
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——暗示
  • EXAMPLE: The comments and behavior of my sisters boyfriend were an intimation that someday soon he would marry her.我妹妹的男友的言行暗示着他很快要娶我妹妹了。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:28
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——使……混乱
  • EXAMPLE: The narrow, winding streets of the strange city confounded the visitor, and he soon became completely lost.这座陌生城市的狭窄曲折的街道让这位游客感到糊涂,很快就迷了路。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:40
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——吓人的
  • EXAMPLE: A group of friends taking an evening walk through the peaceful grove froze in horror when they heard the bloodcurdling howl of a wolf.一群朋友在晚上散步,经过一片宁静的小树林时,听到了吓人的狼嚎,他们都吓呆了。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:22
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——肮脏的
  • EXAMPLE: The poorest sections of the huge city were squalid neighborhoods without paved streets or proper sanitation.在这座大城市最贫困的地带,居民区很肮脏,没有柏油路,也没有本应常见的卫生设施。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:33
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——态度生硬的
  • EXAMPLE: The brusque way in which my boss speaks with me makes me think he is dissatisfied with my work.老板与我讲话时态度生硬,让我觉得他对我的工作不满。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:21
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——陨星坑
  • EXAMPLE: My sister was always the black sheep in our business-minded family, and no one was surprised when she became an artist.我妹妹一直是我们这个有着生意头脑的家庭的另类,对于她后来搞艺术,家里没有人感到奇怪。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:29
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——积攒
  • EXAMPLE: Over the past year my negligent brother amassed a lot of bills, and now I am trying to help him pay them.在过去一年,我那粗心的弟弟积攒了很多账单,如今我在努力帮助他还账。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:25
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——责难
  • EXAMPLE: On holidays the unhappy husband often stayed away from his home to avoid his wifes bitter opprobrium.到了假期,这位不幸的丈夫经常远离他的家庭,以避开妻子的严厉责难。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:31
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——爆笑
  • EXAMPLE: My little daughters unexpected joke threw our whole family into a two-minute laughquake.我的小女儿出人意料的笑话让我们全家爆笑了两分钟。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:42
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——明确的
  • EXAMPLE: In a crisis, the effective manager gives incisive instructions to her staff, so everyone correctly understands what to do immediately.在一次危机中,这位高效的经理人给她的手下做出了明确的指示,因此所有人都明白无误地理解了马上要做些什么。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:48
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——怒斥
  • EXAMPLE: When he discovered that his former business partner had stolen some of our company secrets, and several of our customers, our president fulminated for hours.我们总裁发现前商业合作伙伴偷走了我们公司的机密还拉走好几家客户,他怒骂了好几个小时。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:36
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——商用大卡车
  • EXAMPLE: The narrow road was completely blocked by a big-rig that had collided with a bus.一辆商用大卡车与一辆公交车相撞,狭窄的道路被彻底阻塞了。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:32
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——恰当的
  • EXAMPLE: Our oldest committee member says little at meetings, but his comments are always apposite, and we listen to them with care.我们最年长的委员在会议上说话不多,但他的观点总是特别恰当,我们都会认真听。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:51
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——千分率
  • EXAMPLE: Highly sensitive scientific observations may require permillage calculations to identify tiny but significant changes in the data.高敏感的科学观测可能需要千分率计算,以找出数据中微小但是重要的变化。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:30
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——残余
  • EXAMPLE: A few broken towers and an old stone gateway are todays only remnants of the ancient citys great protective walls.今天,这座古城雄伟的护城墙只剩下了几座破败的望楼和一扇旧石门。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:19
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——好斗的
  • EXAMPLE: The pugnacious young sales representative often insults his older colleagues, and contradicts their advice quite aggressively.这位好斗的年轻销售代表经常羞辱年长的同事,严厉反驳他们的提议。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:44
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——懊恼
  • EXAMPLE: Despite his many financial problems, the optimistic young executive did not repine, and always expressed a bright, confident attitude.尽管出了很多财务问题,这位乐观的年轻高管并不懊恼,始终展现出乐观、自信的态度。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:43
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