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  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——正面的
  • EXAMPLE: Last night on a narrow mountain road the drivers of two large trucks died in a terrible head-on collision.昨晚在一条狭窄的山路上,两辆大卡车发生了猛烈的正面相撞,两车司机死亡。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:24
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——无礼的
  • EXAMPLE: We arrived at the restaurant just before it closed, and our waiters brusque manner indicated that he wanted to go home as soon as possible.我们在这家餐厅马上要关门的时候来了,服务员的无礼态度显示,他想尽快回家。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:16
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——急转弯
  • EXAMPLE: The hunter watched as the rabbit jinked quickly right and left as his dog chased it across the field.猎人放狗在田野中追逐兔子,兔子忽左忽右地急转。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:14
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——不可靠的,可疑的
  • EXAMPLE: When asked about the missing cookies, the boy told his mother a dubious story about seeing ghosts who live in the house.在被问到饼干怎么没有了时,这位男孩给了妈妈一个不靠谱的说法,他说这屋里住着几个鬼。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:11
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——湿乎乎的
  • EXAMPLE: During winter months, the coastal regions clammy weather discourages tourism.在冬天的日子,这一沿海地区湿乎乎的天气妨碍了旅游业。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:23
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——无动于衷的
  • EXAMPLE: Despite all the publicity promoting the new movie I saw last night, I was quite underwhelmed, and left the theater disappointed.尽管我昨晚看的那部新片做了很多宣传,但我还是感觉索然无味,失望地离开了电影院。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:15
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——扭曲的
  • EXAMPLE: We must drive slowly and cautiously on the tortuous road through the mountains.我们必须在山间曲折的公路上缓慢小心地驾车。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:16
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——仰卧的
  • EXAMPLE: Lying supine on a bench, my older brother was exhausted by his strenuous basketball game with his son.在陪他儿子打完激烈的篮球比赛之后,我哥哥躺在长凳上,筋疲力尽。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:19
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——爱开玩笑的
  • EXAMPLE: My normally silent and serious relatives often become talkative and quite jocular at family birthday parties.在家庭的生日聚会上,我的那些一般不爱说话、很严肃的亲戚们经常变得健谈,很爱开玩笑。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:22
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——蠢货
  • EXAMPLE: This morning I couldnt find my house keys or my cell phone, and I missed my bus...I felt like such a dimwit.今天早上,我找不到房门钥匙,也找不到手机,还错过了公交车……我感觉自己真是个蠢货。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:23
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——瞎咋呼
  • EXAMPLE: We call my neighbor Uncle Crankypants because he always shouts angry complaints about the children in our neighborhood, despite the fact that there are very few children here.我们管邻居叫瞎咋呼叔叔,因为他总是愤怒地大声埋怨我们街区里的孩子,可事实上,我们这儿就没几个小孩。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:12
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——五方阵型
  • EXAMPLE: The waiter carefully set five bowls of delicious-looking food in a quinquix on a large square table.侍者小心地在一张大方桌上将五个盛着佳肴的碗摆成了五方阵型。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:27
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——孤立的事物
  • EXAMPLE: A single outlier, an ancient pine, grew on a windswept field of stones beyond the great forest.出了这片大森林,是一片多风的石滩,那里孤零零地长着一棵老松树。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:34
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——可变的
  • EXAMPLE: While it may be icy cold and rainy in the morning, our regions weather is so mutable that it can be quite warm in the afternoon.我们这一地区的天气变化极大,早上也许冰冷而且下雨,可是到了下午就会很热。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:22
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——空白
  • EXAMPLE: The story of my grandfathers adventuresome life had a curious lacuna between his graduation from college and the establishment of his first successful business.我祖父的一生充满了冒险故事,不过,在他大学毕业到创办第一家成功企业之间有一段空白,令人好奇。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:20
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——有害的
  • EXAMPLE: The deleterious impact of smoking, stress, and obesity on ones health is well-known.吸烟、压力和肥胖对健康的有害影响已经广为人知。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:31
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