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  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——犯错
  • EXAMPLE: The experienced team of surgeons seldom erred when operating on patients.这支经验丰富的外科医生团队在给病人做手术时很少出错。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:11
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——酸的、尖刻的
  • EXAMPLE 1: The cheap wine had a strongly acerbic flavor, and no one enjoyed drinking it.这种低价葡萄酒有一种强烈的酸味,谁也不喜欢喝。EXAMPLE 2: My cynical old aunt often makes acerbic remarks about younger people in our family.我的玩世不恭的老姨妈经常对我们家里的年轻人做出尖刻的评论。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:14
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——临时的
  • EXAMPLE: After the huge earthquake destroyed our regions only hospital, our local doctors and nurses set up a provisional medical clinic in a sports stadium.在强烈的地震摧毁了我们这一地区唯一的医院后,当地医生和护士在一座体育馆内设立了一个临时诊所。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:9
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——完美的
  • EXAMPLE: My sister always hoped for a picture-perfect wedding day, but unfortunately it rained, and she was a little disappointed.我的妹妹一直希望婚礼那天一切完美,但不幸的是,那天下雨了,她略感失望。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:13
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——出言不逊的
  • EXAMPLE: The loud, lippy young woman angered the older residents of her apartment building.这位大嗓门、出言不逊的年轻女士惹恼了与她住在同一公寓楼里的年长居民。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:10
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——无忧无虑的
  • EXAMPLE: While my aunt is a serious woman who seldom laughs, my uncle is a happy-go-lucky man who never worries about the future.我的婶婶是个严肃的人,很少大笑,而我的叔叔是个乐天派,从不担心未来的事情。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:17
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——预先警告
  • EXAMPLE: Local residents always forewarn visitors of the dangers of driving in their remote region at night.当地居民总是预先警告来客,在这一偏远地区开夜车的危险。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:12
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——扼要的
  • EXAMPLE: The scholar worked for several years to write a brief but compendious account of the historic war.这位学者花费数年时间撰写了一部简明扼要的战争史。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:11
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——限制
  • EXAMPLE: Our corporation must always work within the legal parameters of those countries in which we do business.我们公司在海外发展业务时绝不能逾越所在国家的法律限制。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:12
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——多毛的
  • EXAMPLE: The huge, angry gorilla pounded his hairy chest.这只发怒的强壮大猩猩捶打着它那多毛的胸膛。EXAMPLE: Driving along the narrow mountain road above the steep river gorge can be a hairy experience at night.夜晚在这个险峻河谷上的狭窄山道开车是相当危险的经历。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:16
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——可破解的
  • EXAMPLE: Bank customers must carefully select secure passwords and security questions to prevent their accounts from being easily hackable.银行客户必须谨慎选定密码和安全问题,防止账户被人轻易破解。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:12
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——阐发
  • EXAMPLE: I didnt understand my professors brief explanation of the complicated theory, and so I asked him to elucidate.我没有理解教授对这个复杂理论的简单解释,所以请他阐释一下。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:15
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——脾气坏的
  • EXAMPLE: My grandfather becomes crotchety when hes tired, and nothing seems to please him.我祖父一累脾气就变坏,好像什么事都不能让他高兴。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:22
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——粗笨的
  • EXAMPLE: The earliest personal computers look clunky compared to laptops today.和今天的笔记本电脑相比,早期的个人计算机看上去傻大笨粗。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:10
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——音响发烧友
  • EXAMPLE: Being a devoted audiophile with a huge collection of classical music, my home always has the best electronic sound system I can afford.我是执着的音响发烧友,收藏了很多的古典音乐作品,家里总摆着我能买得起的最好的音响设备。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:11
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——预感
  • EXAMPLE: The mother had a premonition that her son would return from his trip abroad earlier than expected, and she was correct.这位母亲有一种预感,在国外旅行的儿子会比预计早一点回来,结果她是对的。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:13
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——成功人士
  • EXAMPLE: The ambitious young man is high-flyer who became a prominent vice president at our company in less than two years.这位雄心勃勃的年轻人是一位成功人士,在我们公司不到两年就成为了杰出的副总裁。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:11
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——需修理的房屋
  • EXAMPLE: The first house I bought was an old fixer-upper priced far below its value because it had been empty for several years.我买的第一套房是需要修理的老房子,由于已经空置了好几年,售价远低于它的价值。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:8
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