EXAMPLE: The strongest man in our family, my enormous brother looks like a real bruiser, but hes actually quite gentle and harmless.我那大块头兄弟是我们家里最强壮的人,一幅彪形大汉的模样,但实际上他非常温和,从不伤人。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: My little brothers puerile rudeness gets him into trouble at his office where people are expected to behave more politely. 我的小弟愚蠢的粗鲁行为使他在要求员工彬彬有礼的公司里遇到了麻烦。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: The arrogant boss expected his employees to be humble flunkies who never questioned his orders or his frequently poor decisions.这位傲慢的老板希望员工都是卑贱的马屁精,永远不质疑他的命令或是他经常做出的糟糕决策。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: The querulous old secretary annoyed everyone in our office by her daily complaints about minor problems.这位爱抱怨的秘书每天都要因为一些小问题发牢骚,惹恼了办公室里的每个人。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: Many years ago my grandparents were very poor and lived in a one-room hovel that was never heated properly in the winter.很多年前,我的祖父母非常穷,生活在只有一间房的小屋里,到了冬天一点也不暖和。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: A major eruption of the ancient volcano near Naples could mean a horrible cataclysm for the beautiful Italian city and its inhabitants.那不勒斯附近的古代火山的大爆发可能成为这座美丽的意大利城市及其居民的浩劫。[阅读全文]
EXAMPLE: The sofas upholstery was so old and worn that patches of scrim were showing beneath the brocade fabric on its surface.这个沙发套太旧,磨损过于严重,以至于表面的织锦下面露出了一块块平纹棉麻布。[阅读全文]