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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑真真 参加讨论

    The Changes of Temporary Migrants in China and Policy Implication
    Abstract:  Focusing on the structure change of floating population in China in the first decade of 21st century, this paper compares results from the last two censuses and discuses their policy implications. Although the demographic structure and education of internal migrants in 2010 kept some features as 10 years ago, some significant changes are also observed. For instance, more migrants have settled in their destinations, and gender structure is much more balanced in teens and twenties. Also more migrants have higher education and work in non-agriculture, especially service, sectors. Regarding the age pattern of migrating workers and entrepreneurs, the current status has altered from early years’ migration status, and it shows that men and women now joint migration almost at the same age. The cohort of “post-80s” rural to urban migrants is significantly different from the older generation. The relevant public policies should consider the changes and new features of migrants during the urbanization process.

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