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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 叶裕民;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章通过对京津冀都市圈人口流动特征的分析,认为长期以来京津作为京津冀地区的中心城市,充分享受了对劳动力等生产要素吸纳的聚集效应,但是由于行政分割,生产要素的扩散作用却被弱化,没有起到中心城市的作用。文章认为,构建京津冀城市圈区域与城乡协调的发展格局,核心任务就是要打破行政区划界限,建立跨区域城乡统筹发展长效机制,并提出"四步走战略":推进新型工业化提升京津冀城市群非农产业就业机会;构建以人为本的人口流动管理机制;以"三个集中"谋求聚集经济效应;为广大乡村提供均等化的公共服务。 更多还原
    关键词:京津冀; 都市圈; 人口流动; 城乡统筹
    Abstract: By analyzing migration characteristics in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area,this paper argues that despite Beijing and Tianjin as the central cities of the area have for a long time benefited from the conglomeration effects of labor and other production factors,the diffusing effects from them to the surrounding have been obstructed by administrative segmentation.The primary task for a harmonious prospect of rural-urban and regional development within BTH metropolitan area is to break the existing administrative delimitation,in order to include the rural Hebei into the framework of promoting the competitiveness in the metropolitan area.This paper also suggests a strategy to facilitate the process.

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