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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑真真;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 流动人口的健康风险已成为一个重要问题。本文将根据现有的文献资料、研究报告以及统计数据,讨论流动人口中的艾滋病传播和传染病、生殖健康以及职业健康问题。影响流动人口健康风险的因素可以分为五个方面:政府和公共政策方面、雇主方面、卫生部门、社区以及个人的健康意识和行为。本文将讨论具有不同特征的群体可能面临的不同健康风险,并探讨不同层次和不同方面在流动人口的健康问题中所扮演的不同角色。
    关键词: 劳动力流动; 健康; 健康风险
    Health Vulnerability among Temporary Migrants in Urban China
    Abstract: China has experienced a historical labor force migration since the 1990s, while health risks of migrants became a very important issue.This paper will discuss the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection and infectious disease,reproductive health,and occu- pational health issues of migrants within China,based on limited publications,researchre- ports,and statistics.Possible determinants of health risks of migrants will be also dis- cussed from five aspects:government related factors,employer related factors,health sec- tors,community as well as individual’s health believes and behavior.The paper will identify the most vulnerable group (s) to a specific health risk.Estimations of risks will be separa- ted for different sub-groups.Different roles played by different factors will be discussed.
    Key words: Labor Force Migration; Health; Health Risks

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