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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王美艳 参加讨论

    摘要: 通过对本地和外来劳动力所面临的就业机会和报酬的研究,本文揭示了中国城市劳动力市场上存在的歧视,是经济转轨时期劳动力市场发育不健全的产物。经验研究结果显示,外来劳动力与城市本地劳动力的工资差异,59%是由就业岗位间的工资差异引起的,41%由就业岗位内的工资差异引起。且工资差异的43%是由歧视等不可解释的因素造成的。
    关键词: 劳动力市场; 外来劳动力; 歧视
    Employment Opportunities and Wage Gaps in the Urban Labor Market:A Study of the Employment and Wages of Migrant Laborers
    In the study of the employment opportunities and wages for local and migrant laborers,the paper reveals the discrimination in China's urban labor market,and attributes such discrimination to an insufficiently developed labor market in a time of economic transition.The study shows that 59% of wage gap between the local and the migrant laborers may be accounted for by cross-position wage differences,and 41% by same-position wage differences.43% of the wage gap is caused by unexplainable factors including discriminaion.

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