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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉 参加讨论

    摘要: 改革开放以来,农村劳动力大规模转移和城镇就业的持续扩大,使城乡居民从就业收入的增长中分享了高速经济增长的成果。与此同时,由于社会发展相对滞后于经济发展,对普通劳动者和家庭的社会保护机制尚不健全。随着刘易斯转折点的到来,一方面,居民大大提高了对更加充分、均等的社会保护的制度需求;另一方面,一直以来政府推动经济增长的激励,正在转变为提供更多、更好、更均等的公共服务,进而加强对城乡居民社会保护的激励。从劳动立法、劳动力市场制度建设、社会保障体系的包容性以及户籍制度改革等角度进行的经验分析,验证了政府特别是地方政府对刘易斯转折点到来的政策反应。在对未来一段时期公共政策走向进行预测,并概括关于公共政策乃至政府职能重点向社会保护转变的若干特征性事实的基础上,作者给出了提高地方财政能力等相应配套改革的政策建议。
    关键词: 刘易斯转折点;社会保护; 公共政策
    The Lewis Turning Point and the Reorientation of Public Policies: Some Stylized Facts of Social Protection in China
    Abstract:  Mass rural-to-urban migration and expansion of urban employment have enabled Chinese people to increase their income and participate in China's economic growth. While the pace of growth has been fast, social development has lagged behind. This phenomenon has left ordinary workers and their households socially less protected during the transition of the Chinese economy . This paper argues that as the Lewis turning point is reached, the incentives driving government policy have changed. As citizens voice strong demands for equitable public services, the Chinese government's focus on stimulating economic growth in the reform period before the turning point has shifted to supplying better public services. Consequently, not only has social protection been strengthened, but the function of government has been transformed from an economic growth-orientation to a public service-orientation. It then offers an empirical test of this verdict by narrating the experiences of labor-related legislation, formation of labor market institutions, more inclusive social security building, and hukou system reform during the turning point . The paper concludes with a generalization of the stylized facts on social protection and future trends in China during it's transition, and an indication of the direction and main arena for necessary future reforms.

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