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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 屈小博 参加讨论

    摘要: 中国养老保险制度正式改革开始于改革开放以后的20世纪80年代,整体框架建立于20世纪90年代,体制创新和重要发展于21世纪后。现行养老制度仍是发展不均衡的城乡二元结构,以城镇基本养老保险制度为主体,养老制度的演变与中国经济体制演变密切相关。宏观数据分析显示养老保险制度在覆盖面、保障水平、统筹层次以及财政补贴等方面都有了很大的发展和提高。但养老金隐性债务规模巨大,养老体系遗漏城市非正规就业群体,企业和职工缴费负担重影响参保积极性,以及养老基金积累中出现的问题都制约着养老保险制度的可持续性。对于中国养老保险制度的未来发展方向,学术界从不同角度有多种思考和观点。
    关键词: 养老保险制度; 政策演变; 发展; 问题与思考
    Evolvement,Development and Ponder of Pension System in China
    Abstract: China’s pension system reformation started in the 1980’s,the framework built in the 1990’s,system innovation and prominent development began at the 21st century.Through many years development,pension system has formed a set of relatively perfect system in China,and has developed greatly and improved markedly in the aspects of coverage,pension standard,overall level and financial subsidy.However,the current system is facing many troubles due to the remaining problems of history and current changes of social economic structure.Therefore,the pension system is in need of reformation and adjustment from lots of aspects.

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