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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 樊纲;郑… 参加讨论

    “Early Withdrawal of Migrant Workers” and Newtype Urbanization:Lewis Model and Current Economic Issues of China
    Fan Gang1 & Zheng Xin2
    (HSBC School of Business, Peking University1; China Development Institute12)
    Abstract: Extending the analyses by Lewis Model, the paper shows that the recent labor shortage and wage increase of migrant workers in Chinas coastal areas are not as a case after Lewis Turning Point or the completion of labor reallocation, instead, it is because the “early withdrawal” of migrant workers from urban labor supply due to their being unable to stay in cities under the current rural land system and urban residential registration system The policy implication of the analyses is naturally to speed up the urbanization of rural migrants in order to continue the industrialization.
    Keywords: shortage of migrant workers, Lewis Turning Point, early withdrawal of migrant workers, urbanization
    JEL Classification: J40, O14, O53

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