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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期114-123,共10页 叶飞腾[1… 参加讨论187

    Audit Partner Rotation Analysis from the Perspectives of Audit Quality Control and Client Relationship
    This paper investigates factors considered in the process of the allocation of audit partners in accounting firms. Based on the data of audit partners of listed companies in China, this paper concludes that audit partners of listed companies do not change in accord- ance with the principle of quality control, namely partners with low audit quality, declining audit quality or loose audit opinions do not timely change. Furthermore, from the perspective of client relationship, this paper discusses the reasons for the phenomenon that partners with poor audit quality do not change in accordance with quality control. It comes to the conclu- sion that the change rates of partners with strong client relationship are significantly lower than the ones of partners with weak client relationship, showing that partners-client relation- ship provides a reason for no reasonable change of partners with low audit quality. It indi- cates that the attention to market competition is greater than audit quality control in account- ing firms, and to make the greatest efforts to retain clients is their most important aim.
    关 键 词:项目负责人更换 质量控制 会计师一客户关系
    partners rotation quality control auditor-client relationship
    分 类 号:F239
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