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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第1期125-134,共10页 谢德仁 姜… 参加讨论149

    Executives' Compensation Justification and the Implicit Choice of Accounting Policy of Development Cost
    Based on the data of listed companies in China from 2007 to 2011, this paper investigates the relationship between executives~ compensation justification and the implicit choice of accounting policy of development costs. It shows that with executives' greater demand for current compensation justification, namely under relatively poor current corporate performance, relatively higher current com- pensation or both, the companies tend to choose accounting policy based on the capitalization of devel- opment costs. The conclusion suggests that the companies employ the implicit choice of accounting pol- icy of development costs to conduct earnings management for the purpose of justification for current compensation or greater compensation space in the future.
    关 键 词:薪酬辩护 开发支出 资本化 隐性选择
    compensation justificatiom development cost~ capitalizatiom implicit choice
    分 类 号:F275
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