The Estimate of Cross-border Spillover Effect of Local Fiscal Expenditure and Its Impact on Regional Integration: Empirical Research on the Yangtze River Delta City Group
Spatial factors such as geographical proximity and the similarities of economic scale and urbanization have important effects on local fiscal expenditure and its structure and directly determine the process and path of regional integration. This paper theoretically por- trays the formation mechanism of spatial spillover effects of fiscal expenditure and its struc- ture between adjacent areas. Then it calculates the weight matrix of geographical and eco- nomic spaces and estimates the cross-border spillover effects of local fiscal expenditure based on a sample of the Yangtze River Delta city group as a typical case of regional integration across administrative divisions. It arrives at the conclusion that the increase in fiscal expenditure of adjacent areas by 1~ leads to the rise in local fiscal ex- penditure by 0.64%--0.72%. It further estimates the spatial spillover effects of local produc- tion expenditure and its impact on regional integration, and the spatial spillover effects of livelihood expenditure such as science, education, culture, hygiene and social welfare, in or- der to provide a more detailed path choice and a breakthrough for the advancement of region- al integration across administrative divisions through cooperative governance of local govern- ments and solve barriers to integration development resulting from administrative divisions and local benefits.
关 键 词:跨境溢出效应 地方财政支出 区域一体化
cross-border spillover effect local fiscal expenditure regional integration
分 类 号:F810.45F061.5