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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财贸经济》2013年第10期59-69,共11页 左大勇[1… 参加讨论

        Rationality and Investors' Behavior--Based on the Behavior of Institutional and Individual Fund Investors
    Investors of different levels of rationality are likely to have different investment behaviors. Institutional and individual investors are two groups representing distinct levels of rationality. The difference in the behavior of the two types of investors is probably the cause of inconsistent conclusions of many financial market studies. Given the advantage of mutual funds market in differentiating investors, this paper investigates the behavioral difference of the two groups of investors in open-ended funds. We find that individual investors value historical performance without being able to identify risk. "Redemption Puzzle" only exists in individual investors. Individual investors cannot obtain abnormal returns while institutional investors always make the right choice by valuing abnormal returns. In addition, we find the evidence that the irrationality of individual investors is manipulated by fund managers. Marketing strategies (e. g. high dividend payout) attract individuals' rather than institutional investors' cash flow. This paper offers a new perspective studying market puzzle and investor behavior, provides a consist explanation for controversial topics and has special reference to market supervision and investors protections.
    关 键 词:个人投资者 机构投资者 理性程度 基金投资行为
    Individual Investor, Institutional Investor, Rationality, Mutual Fund, Investment Behavior
    分 类 号:F832.5
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