基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目(71003046);国家社会科学基金重大项目(10zd&007);江苏省高校优秀中青年教师和校长境外研修计划项目 感谢匿名评审人提出的修改建议,笔者已做了相应修改,本文文责自负.
The current economic policy is to expand domestic demand and implement economic struc- tural adjustment for improving economic growth. Therefore, it is very important for China to study its saving rate, especially corporate saving rate, which is the base of domestic demand. This paper redefines the corporate saving rate, based on about 1.89 million firms in the database of bureau of statistics, and an- alyses the corporate saving rate from 1996 to 2007. We conclude thai: (1) Chinese corporate saving rate (as a share of value added) is O. 287 in 12 years, and is still at a high level and increases with years; (2) Chinese corporate saving rate is always higher than that of developed countries, but high corporate saving rate has become a global trend and not a unique phenomenon in China; (3) saving rate in private firms maintaining a high level of growth, is approximately O. 23, much lower than that of state-owned and foreign firms, whose saving rate declines in recently years; (4) Chinese corporate saving rate has obvious industry char- acteristics. Corporate savings rate of traditional labor-intensive industries is relatively low, and capital-in- tensive industry is high.
关 键 词:企业储蓄 企业储蓄率 资金流量表 工业企业数据库
corporate saving corporate saving rate flow of fundsl database of bureau of statistics
分 类 号:F832.22