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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期94-103,共10页 梁璐璐[1… 参加讨论

    On Effects of Macro-prudential Policy and Monetary Policy: Analysis Based on a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Framework
    Under a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework, this paper dis- cusses the dynamic changes in main macroeconomic variables under four policy combinations by the construction of dynamic loan-to-value ratio as a macro-prudential policy instrument and the introduction of the idea about differentiated control of families and firms. It comes to the following conclusions, firstly, macro-prudential policy has no effects on the target of monetary policy under traditional shocks, and the combination of monetary policy obeying the Taylor rule and macro-prudential policy plays a protective role in inflation target under untraditional shocks; secondly, macro-prudential policy can change capital allocation in sec- tors, thereby partially changing a pattern of the economy, but has no structural effects on the whole operation condition of the economy, so it is featured by neutrality.
    关 键 词:宏观审慎政策 货币政策 有效性
    macro-prudential policy monetary policy effectiveness
    分 类 号:F832

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