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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/27 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王广州;… 参加讨论

    关键词: 生育水平; 生育意愿; 生育潜力; 随机微观人口仿真
    How Many Births Can We Have? The Potential Birth Estimation under Policy
    Abstract: Based on national population sampling surveys since 1985,the authors analyzed the fertility level,ideal number of birth and potential birth,and estimated the range of the number of desired birth and the potential fertility of fertility age women.The results are: ( 1) the current number of desired birth is below the replacement fertility level; ( 2) the goal of the number of birth is dominated by two-children and the potential desired birth for the second child is less than 50%. Using the stochastic population micro-simulation model,we analyzed the effects of loosening birth control policy ( such as allowing“singleton”women or all women having two children) on the size of the new birth population,and the simulation result shows that“singleton” women having two children will not result in big baby boom.

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