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Rationale and procedures for nesting semi-structured interviews in surveys or censuses

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 Schatz, … 参加讨论
Demographers who use survey data and census data from health and demographic surveillance areas can gain substantially from expanding their repertoire of methods to make use of qualitative methods. Similarly, those who conduct and analyse data primarily from semi-structured interviews or focus groups can benefit from information provided by survey research. This paper presents a systematic mixed-methods model—data-linked nested studies—for sampling respondents for semi-structured interviews from survey or census lists. The paper outlines how to conduct these types of study, and their technical and analytical advantages. It highlights the benefits of building on a strong foundation, the ability to compare samples, and the expansion of the range of evidence for, or against, the validity of the substantive findings. Case studies from two data-linked nested projects—in Malawi and South Africa—are used to describe in detail the nested-study approach.
    文章出处:Population Studies, Vol. 66, Issue 2

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