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Should governments in Europe be more aggressive in pushing for gender equality to raise fertility? The second ‘YES’

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 Oláh, L… 参加讨论
[Abstract]   This paper is based on my contribution to a debate, organized by MPIDR, on the question displayed in the title above. I was asked to present arguments for the "yes"-response (together with Laurent Toulemon, and arguing against the "no"-side represented by Gerda Neyer and Dimiter Philipov). As pointed out in the paper, the most important theoretical reasoning relevant for this question is the gender equity theory. A number of studies provide sound empirical support to it, as discussed in the paper in details, and thereby also a rationale for a positive impact of increased gender equality on fertility. As the dual-earner family is here to stay, and given the well-known negative consequences of long-term very low fertility for a society, pushing for gender equality seems to be a reasonable strategy to be considered aiming for sustainable societal development.
    文章出处:Demographic Research 24: 217-224

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