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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 李春琦;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 针对中国人口老龄化和农村居民消费不足的问题,文章建立了一个动态宏观经济分析模型,并利用1978~2007年中国宏观年度数据进行实证分析,考察了人口结构变化对农村居民消费的影响。实证结论表明,农村居民消费习惯非常稳定,少儿抚养系数和老年抚养系数对居民消费均有显著的负影响。因此作者认为,中国人口结构变化和居民固有的消费习惯是农村居民消费率偏低的原因。
    关键词: 农村居民消费; 人口结构; 少儿人口抚养比; 老年人口抚养比
    The Effect of the Transformation of Chinese Population Structure on the Consumption of the Rural Residents
    Abstract: To examine the effect of changes in the population structure on rural residents’consumption,this paper establishes a dynamic macro-economic model and conducts an empirical analysis by using 1978-2007 macro data. The results show that rural residents have strong habit persistency in consumer preference,and the youth dependence ratio and the elderly dependence ratio have significantly negative impacts on the consumption of rural residents,indicating that the change in the population structure is one reason for the lack of consumption in China.

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