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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王磊 参加讨论

    摘要: 基于2007年、2010年江苏省群众生育意愿与生育行为调查数据,分析了人口老龄化进程中的代际间居住模式及其影响因素,结果表明:子女婚后与父母的居住模式以同住为主流,仅有30%的子女婚后独住,其中城市子女更多独住(接近40%)而农村子女更多与父母同住(超过75%);代际交换需求显著增加代际间同住的可能性,其中,子女的抚幼需求比父母的照料需求更有效;代际间居住模式的改变更多地受到子女抚幼状况的影响,父母的照料需求的影响相对不明显。代际关系重心向下偏移,代际间居住模式的变化没有明显表现出对于父母照料需求的及时反应,人口老龄化加速社会进程中的居家养老面临着挑战。
    关键词: 居住模式; 代际关系; 养老; 抚幼
    Intergenerational Living Arrangement in an Aging Society:Evidence from the 2007 and 2010 Jiangsu Surveys
    Abstract: The impact of intergenerational relation on living arrangement is examined using data from 2007 and 2010 Jiangsu Surveys. Results show that,first of all,most married children live with their parents and only 30% of them live independently,and there are more urban than rural married children living independently.Secondly,generational exchange desire increases the possibility to live together for both married children and their parents. Thirdly,the need to care grandchildren plays a bigger role in living together than the need to care parents. Changes of living arrangement are determined mainly by the condition of baby care. Changes of living arrangement has not been responding to changes of the elderly care desire. Home -living - based care for the elderly is facing challenges in this aging society.
    Keywords: Living Arrangement,Intergenerational Relation,Old - age Care,Baby Care

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