摘要: 在婚姻为常态的中国社会,贫困地区农村的大龄未婚男性为完成婚配面临着沉重压力和诸多困难。议婚是完婚之前的关键环节,它很大程度上直接决定未婚男性能否完成婚配。利用2010年冀北农村调查数据,分析贫困地区农村大龄未婚男性的议婚经历、认知和计划,研究发现:未婚男性严重缺乏包括自主谈对象和被介绍对象在内的议婚机会,议婚经历少,议婚持续时间短;未婚男性认为个体和家庭的经济条件劣势是自身议婚失败的最主要原因;未婚男性的议婚计划与议婚准备之间存在差距,具有"意愿和计划强于行动和准备"的显著特点。年龄因素显著影响议婚计划:年龄越大,有议婚计划的可能性越小。议婚认知结果暗示贫困地区农村大龄未婚男性将失婚归咎于社会并威胁社会安全的可能性较低。
关键词: 贫困地区; 农村大龄未婚男性; 议婚经历; 议婚认知; 议婚计划
A survey of the matchmaking of the left-over bachelors in the poor rural north of Hebei Abstract: This research is done in 2010 over the matchmaking, cognition and planning of the left-over bachelors in the poor rural north of Hebei. Results show that the chance of the bachelors is slim of any types of matchmaking, dating or arrangements by matchmaker of parents. The bachelors consider their individualistic or family wealth is crucial. The older they grow, the less possible it is for their marriage. Moreover, they do not attribute their failure to the social factors. Nor will this threaten the social security.
Key words: poor region; rural left-over bachelor; matchmaking; experience; cognition; plan
全文阅读 文章出处:河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ,2012年第4期