摘要: 利用2010年冀北C县农村调查数据,借鉴生活质量的概念和研究框架,分析农村大龄未婚男性的生活质量现状及影响因素。研究结果表明,与已婚男性相比,未婚男性的客观生活质量和主观生活质量均明显偏低;居住方式和父母在世情况显著影响他们所获得的生活支持,工作、收入和社会保障显著影响他们的经济满意度;年龄、生理、心理和收入是影响未婚男性生活总体满意度的重要因素。经济满意度和生活总体满意度之间具有显著的正向相关关系,社会交往满意度和生活总体满意度之间的关系不显著。分析农村大龄未婚男性的生活质量有利于把握其生存状态,也有利于理解其对社会公共安全的影响。
关键词: 大龄未婚男性; 生活质量; 农村
Survey and Analysis on Quality of Life of Forced Male Bachelors in Rural China Abstract: Male marriage squeeze is getting worse since 1980s when strict population control policy was implemented in China.Do forced male bachelors have lower well - being than married one? What factors affect Quality of Life ( QOL) of forced male bachelors and how they affect? A survey is conducted in 15 mountain villages on Northern Hebei Province in 2010 to analyze all forced male bachelors there. The findings are as follow. First,forced male bachelors do have lower QOL than married male,especially on objective aspect. Only 12% of them satisfy their life in general but none of them feel very satisfied. Second,parents' support is the key factors affecting their QOL. Third,economic satisfaction has significant correlation with general satisfaction while social satisfaction has no significant correlation. Last,force male bachelors have limited risks on public security as their lower ability and no organization. Field - study cases are analyzed beside data statistical analysis.
Key Words: forced male bachelors,quality of life,rural China
全文阅读 文章出处:人口学刊,2012年第2期