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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 潘允康 参加讨论

    摘要: 婚姻家庭具有私人性与社会性两个方面属性,婚姻从表象上是个人行为,从本质上是社会行为,因此社会要对之管理和控制。回顾建国60年来,我们使用了包括法律、行政、道德、舆论和习俗等各种方法和手段对婚姻家庭实行了社会管理和社会控制,理顺以夫妻关系和亲子关系为核心的家庭关系,以维护婚姻家庭生活秩序,保证婚姻家庭功能的有效发挥。文章反思和前瞻了中国婚姻家庭社会管理的理论和实践。
    关键词: 婚姻家庭; 社会管理
    Social Management of Marriage and Family in China
    Abstract: Marriage and family have individuality and sociality meanings.Judged by the surface,the marriage is personal behavior,but judged by essence,the marriage is social behavior.Therefore,the society must manage and control it.In 60 years after foundation of People’s Republic of China,we have used such methods as the law,ad-ministration,morals,public opinion,and so on to manage and control family socially so as to adjust the family relations and to maintain marriage and family life order,and to guarantee marriage and family function to display effectively.Finally,the paper reconsiders and forecasts theory and practice of social management of marriage and family in China.
    Keywords: Marriage; Family; Society; Management
    文章出处:甘肃行政学院学报 ,2010年第1期

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