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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 徐安琪;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 以上海和成都概率抽样和入户面访的调查资料为依据,采用因子分析方法构建浪漫指数的结构量表。表明,19个变量被复合成"抗阻力"、"非理性"、"激情"、"唯一"、"经济基础"和"潜在影响"6个分因子(后2个分因子的负荷为负数)。这6个分因子之和构成浪漫指数总值。描述性统计结果显示,被访者似对爱情的"非理性"和"激情"特征的认同感更强些。此外,男性在"抗阻力"和"激情"方面的认同率显著地高于女性,首肯"经济基础"的显著少于女性,在"唯一"侧面则逊于女性。 更多还原
    关键词: 爱情观; 浪漫性; 指数构建; 性别差异
    Romantic love:Index Construction and Gender Differences
    Abstract: With probability sampling and home interview survey data of Shanghai and Chengdu,we use factor analysis to build the structure of romantic Index Scale.Research shows that 19 variables are compounded to 6 sub-factors as "anti-resistance","irrational","Passion","the only","economic fundamentals" and " potential impact"(the load of the last two factors is negative).These 6 sub-factors sum up the romantic index.Descriptive statistics show that the respondents seem to identify with "irrational" and "passion" of love.In addition,the males have more sense of identity of "anti-resistance" and "passion" and much less of "economic fundamentals" than that of the females,and inferior to women on "the only".
    Keywords: love; romantics; index building; gender differences

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