摘要: 针对中国家庭面临的诸如未婚同居、婚外性行为、"第三者"、高离婚率、"同性恋"等新情况新问题,从社会学的角度进行了分析,指出只有回到对人类社会婚姻制度本质的再认识上,才能对建设和谐家庭形成合理的判断:在家庭之中,每个成员仍要履行婚姻家庭义务,遵守婚姻家庭的社会规则。
关键词: 社会变迁; 和谐家庭; 婚姻家庭问题
On the Issues of Harmonious Family in Social Change
Abstract: With the social change Chinese families are facing a few new phenomena and new problems such as living together,illegal sexual intercourse beyond marriage,third party, high divorce rate,homosexual marriage etc..From the perspective of sociology,it is possible to put a rational judgment into practice only the essence of marriage institutions has been recognized.In a family every member must fulfill marriage and family obligations and obey social rule of marriage and family.
Keywords: social change; harmonious family; issues of marriage and family
文章出处:北京工业大学学报(社会科学版) ,2009年第4期