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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郭志刚 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章对家庭研究基本概念进行了梳理,指出家庭户的演化是立户模式与家庭代际人口结构的互动过程,并就此推论中国流行的主干家庭模式在未来会促发老年"空巢"家庭。研究发现,人口因素对家庭户规模缩小的影响近年来不断减弱,而社会经济发展方面的影响正在增强。生活在"空巢"家庭的老年人口比例增长迅速,表明家庭分化水平正在提高。近年城乡隔代户人口比例增加显著,农村的情况尤其突出,反映了农村大量住户只剩老人与少儿留守的情况。此外,文章对不同阶段的人口流动对家庭分化与聚合的影响也进行了讨论。 更多还原
    关键词: 人口结构; 家庭模式; 家庭类型; “空巢”家庭; 留守家庭;
    Study on Changes of China Family Households in Recent Years
    Abstract: This paper clarifies some concepts in family studies and attributed family change to interactions between population structure and household formation patterns.The stem family patterns that steer family splitting may turn out more empty-nest families in near future.The analysis also shows that the influence of population change on the shrinkage of family size was weakening while the influence of socio-economic development was enhancing.Moreover,the proportion of the elderly people living in empty-nest family has significantly increased,indicating that the degree of family splitting was growing.In addition,the latest data show remarkable increase for pseudo-three-generation households now,especially in the rural area,reflecting quite large amount of old people and children left at home after the prime labors migrated into cities.The paper also briefly discusses the impacts of population floating on family split and fusion.

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