摘要: 中国江南农村20世纪30年代即已开始了家庭核心化进程,个别地区初步实现了核心化;北方农村尽管核心家庭为最大家庭形式,但尚未进入核心化之途。北方农村家庭核心化的进程发轫于土地改革,全面开始于高级社建立时期,至20世纪60年代中期,家庭核心化基本实现。除长江下游的江南以外,南方其他农村的家庭核心化在土地改革之后继续得到发展。至20世纪60年代中期,中国多数农村的核心化已经实现。20世纪80年代初期集体经济组织解体并没有导致农村家庭核心化水平下降。2000年,农村家庭的核心化水平有所降低,这与20世纪70年代之后,计划生育工作的推行所造成的家庭少子状况有一定关系。
关键词:中国农村家庭; 核心化标准; 核心化过程; 核心化完成
An Analysis on Nuclealization of Chinese Rural Families Abstract:In China,as early as in the 1930s,the rural areas in the southern Yangzi River delta experienced family nuclealization process,and a few areas transformed families into nuclear pattern.In Northern rural China,although nuclear families took a lion share,the nuclealization did not start.Family nuclealization in Northern rural China began in the land reform period and speeded in the movement of agricultural collectivization,and basically completed in the mid-1960s.Except for the south of the lower reaches of the Yangzi River,in the other rural areas of southern China,nuclealization further developed after the land reform.By the mid-1960s,the family nuclealization in rural China had been realized.In the early 1980s,the de-collectivization did not reduce the number of rural nuclear families.In 2000,the family nuclealization level slightly decreased,partially because of the efforts of family planning after 1970s.
全文阅读 文章出处:中国人口科学,2007年第5期